Grand Egyptian Museum

"To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries." - Aldous Huxley

Grand Egyptian Museum

Grand Egyptian Museum
Presentation of the GEM     (GRAND EGYPTIAN MUSEAUM)
The Gem is expected to open soon, news are coming that within few weeks the official date of opening will be announced

Grand Egyptian Museum
The museum, which is located 2 kilometers (about 1.24 miles) from the Pyramids of Giza, will hold over 100,000 treasures from Egypt’s history. It will be the largest museum in Egypt, the largest museum dedicated to pharaohs; it is “the largest museum in the world Dedicated to one civilization.
It will include 5,000 artifacts from King Tut’s tomb displayed for the first time ever, a 30-Foot tall statue of Ramesses II (commonly known as Ramesses the Great),
And the Khufu Ship that was buried next to the Great Pyramid in 2500 B.C.
 The GEM will have the following halls
The Entrance HALL which includes only 4 major Pieces 
The Hall of the Great DARAG called GRAND HALL
Which includes 60 heavy pieces or statues which are collected from the Egyptian Museum from Luxor City, from the stores and even from the collection abroad Egypt.
The grand staircase divided into 04 levels
Level 1The ROYAL IMAGE  which will have the theme  for statues from different eras
Level 2 DIVINE houses  which will contains huge doors, huge columns, naosses , sphinx and pyramidyum
Level 3 Gods and Kings Hall which represents the relationship between the kings and gods
Level 4 Journey to eternity which includes lot of  coffins diffeernet shapes
The grand staircase end with a huge panoramic with a glass view the great pyramids of Giza.  
There will be 2 Halls for the collections of King Tut Ank Amun 7251 m
 3 other HALLS dedicated to all the history of Egypt from prehistoric Egypt to Roman Egypt with 12 Galleries. 
There will be also a DIGITAL MOVIE theathre showing a movie ATON God/the Fauna and Flora of Egypt /the discovery of TUT ANK AMUN tombs and the great Pyramids.
There will be also the area of the KHUFU boats ( 2boats )
Possible tours done now already 
The GEM Complex is now offering limited tours to the Grand Hall, Grand Staircase where we can see the following monuments.
The Special Tour :
  • Hanging Obelisk    
  • Ramses II Statue    
  • 10 Statues of Senusret I (Distance view)   
  • Grand staircase   
  • Ptolemaic King and queen   
  • Victory columns   
  • Royal Regalia   
  • Grand Atrium and Gift shop   
  • Commercial Boulevard